Tuesday 30 August 2016


So we have been learning our dances for the production and its been really fun! The year sevens and eights both have their own dance and the finale (I have no idea really o.o)


Onto da questions

Write a little about each dance

The year 7 dance (that us year 8s learnt anyway) is kinda slow but is kinda cool

I quite like the year 8 dance (even tho I'm crap at it) is really energizing! and is my favourite (so far)

sorry this is a short post but BYE

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Can drawing pictures help you remember stuffs...

Hello!! so this blog post is going to be about a news article of my choice here is the original article: http://www.dogonews.com/2016/8/23/drawing-may-be-the-key-to-acing-your-next-quiz

Anyway onto the STUFFS.

So this article was very interesting to me considering a doodle on my books and i though "OH! I liKes To DraWs ThIs wIll Be CoOls!" an that's how i ended up here

The university of Waterloo did this study were given a series of things (i dunno something educational) to draw and were going to be tested on whatever topic they had drawn. This came back successful.

so does it mean its good to doodle? comment below!

Monday 15 August 2016

Riddle me this.....


I have a riddle for you so this weeks post will  relatively short  post. Please try to guess what it is in the comments.

I Cover everything
Nothing can survive while around me
But i bring life
I'm hot
I'm cold
I'm unknown

What am I?

Guess away!!!

Wednesday 10 August 2016


Well the Olympics Started this week and I have been watching most of the highlights and recorded most of the equestrian. This may really be on topic but if you haven't heard of Hamilton its a Broadway musical and you should really go and listen to the soundtrack!!!

Anyway into the questions.

Have you watched any sports?
Yes, I've only really watched equestrian but I've watched some of the swimming as well.

What was exciting about it? (equestrian)
Its really exciting watching them go over the jumps in cross country and seeing them gallop.

Did you learn anything about the sport or are you an expert on it?
I'm DEFINITELY NOT an expert on equestrian but i do know the basics. I wouldn't say i learnt anything though.

Who got on the podium?
for the Eventing Individual Cross Country Christopher Burton got first (AustraliaMichael Jung got second (Germany) and Astier Nicolas (France)  who came third

Welp thats all I've got for today!

Wednesday 3 August 2016


I have returned from the endless journey of watching anime and YouTube non-stop...

Anyway... What i'll be talking about today is...Book groups

We started book groups this term and i'm really excited!!

Question 1
What book are you reading?
I'm reading  book called "When you reach me" by Rebecca Stead

Question 2
How is it so far?
so far the book is really good its not really making sense though.I think my group and I will see it clearer after the next couple chapters.

Question 3
Is your group working well? What can you do better?

I think we work really well together to be honest and if we continue like this i think we will unlock snacks soon enough.I don't think we have much to work on.

Thanks for reading!