Sunday, 29 May 2016

Dress Making...

So this is about my elective if you don't already know its a activity of your choice and you do it for a couple hours on Friday. This year i chose the WOW (wearable art) elective and im currently having a lot of fun doing it. Apart from have so many scratches from the freaking chicken wire.

Onto the questions.

How have your first weeks gone?
i think they have gone quite well! I'm on track with the dress and i have a pretty good idea of what i want it to look like.

What have you been learning?
 Lots of measurement stuff...

Is it what you expected?
Yes. Its pretty hectic and everyone has great ideas.

What can you do to make the most of your elective?
I think i can just have lots of fun! Also my dress will look FABULOUS!