Sunday, 29 May 2016

Dress Making...

So this is about my elective if you don't already know its a activity of your choice and you do it for a couple hours on Friday. This year i chose the WOW (wearable art) elective and im currently having a lot of fun doing it. Apart from have so many scratches from the freaking chicken wire.

Onto the questions.

How have your first weeks gone?
i think they have gone quite well! I'm on track with the dress and i have a pretty good idea of what i want it to look like.

What have you been learning?
 Lots of measurement stuff...

Is it what you expected?
Yes. Its pretty hectic and everyone has great ideas.

What can you do to make the most of your elective?
I think i can just have lots of fun! Also my dress will look FABULOUS!


Sunday, 22 May 2016

Castles...hopefully the titans don't come...

Hello readers! SO .. last week we had to make 3D castles out of paper. We had to measure them and make the nets then put them together etc.

So of course I have been given some questions to answer about this group experience.

How did you work together as team? how were decisions made?
 Well throughout the week we all wanted to "take time out " and do other tasks this lead to a small argument. Decisions were pretty easy to make because we really didn't care most of the time.

What are some of the problems you had? how did you solve them?
As I have said we all wanted to do other tasks but in the end we solved the problem by having times for each one of us to do another task.

So thats all i have for today!!!thanks for reading!
and one little challendge for you! can you translate this sentance? Comment below what it is!

Levi es mejor senpai

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Cross Country well i was taking photos :P

Hello Children!

I'm here to tell you about the thing that has been looming in the back of my mind since the start of the term. Cross Country, The very thing almost every child hates and try's to weasel out of. It was my last Cross Country this year and I was DETERMINED (notice that sneaky Undertale reference right there?) to get out of it this year, and I did it! I ended up taking photos for the news letter and helping with placing if there was a tight race.

Anyway onto the questions.

Did you enjoy it?
Yes, because I didn't have to do the race

One of our school values is perseverance – do you feel
that you demonstrated that at cross county? Did you see
anyone else showing perseverance?

While i was waiting at the finish line while the year 7 girls were running i could see one of the girls in real pain but she kept running so there you go.

One of our school values is perseverance – do you feel
that you demonstrated that at cross county? Did you see
anyone else showing perseverance?

While the year 8 girls were running they all were in pairs encouraging each other! I thought that was quite nice!

We that's all i have for you today! bye!!

Monday, 9 May 2016

HELLO! and a reveiw

Hello my faithful readers!I'm back from the holidays.Today i'm writing a review on the movie "Hunt for the Wilder People"So the movie is basically about a boy named Ricky Baker who has been taken to his new foster home on a farm.Then he gets lost in the bush and the police thought he was kidnapped. That's really all i can say about the movie and not give it away!

I really loved the Humor in this movie and all the wild characters we meet! my favorite character had to be "bushman" he was really funny and slightly insane.

I would have to rate this movie 4 stars out of five because some bits were a bit cringe worthy and sad but was balanced by the humor.Well i loved this movie and i hope you like it too!Thanks for reading!BYE!!!