Tuesday, 5 April 2016


hello my readers
 this is my second to last blog post before the school ends and term 2 starts. Wow this term has gone really quick hasn't it?

So I have to write about three things I've learned.

So I've learned much more about working in a group and this will help me quite a bit. After camp I came back quite confident.

I learned anew note at camp as well I cant really  remember the name. But we used it to tie the climber   to the person who was holding the rope when we did high ropes.

I also learned while I was at  camp that I should just be myself and don't be someone else to impress someone. If they don't like you for who you are they really are not your friend

These lestons I know won't forget them because they are linked to a really fun memories from camp.

Well thanks for reading all my feels crap have a nice day....I guess.

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