Monday, 29 February 2016


So this year unlike last year we are learning Spanish and Mrs Bolger has found a really cool website called duo lingo and yea???? Anyway so i guess most of my readers come from my actual school so most of you know what it is...Well my view is that the app is totally better i mean you get to talk to a freaking Spanish dolphin!!!(I FLIP ALL DA TABLES) I don't really have anything to say so...(gets out task sheet) Okay i have my task sheet so here are the questions it says...i have sound speaking into the speaker hard because it asks you to say things into the speaker thing and it never works so yea! Oh and one other thing about it is that it is totally free and new languages are in production so Japanese isn't there YET! but German,Irish,Dutch and more so you should totally join! So That's all i got for this week.. oh and one warning the app looks like a really creepy owl! XD 
The Spider Eats Bread


  1. OMG, I'm cracking out laughing at this post
    I love this post and yes I agree that the owl looks really creepy, No offevinse

  2. Nice post Niamh, I think the newer owl isn't as creepy!!

  3. Nice post Niamh!
