This is a memory of my Nana when on Saturday we went shopping. It was really fun and I saw a lot of new things in some of my favourite shops because I haven't been there for ages! It was really fun to be with her and share time with her.
Another great memory was when I went over to England for Christmas to see my Granny and Granddad. We had a massive homemade dinner on Christmas day and my Granny made her famous Yorkshire puddings. It snowed and we made a snowman but that night a fox took the carrot with its pups it was so cute!
Comment down below about your memories!
Hello my readers I am back and I am going to tell you how my holiday went!! OK the First week of the holidays I didn't really do much so I won't really talk about that. Lets skip forward a week shall we? OK on the Monday my family and I drove up to Ohakune and for that week we went skiing!
The snow was plush, the tracks were clean and the sun was shining. It was perfect! Well the Monday was at least. I finally after all these years I have perfected my parallel turns ( if you ski you will know exactly what I'm talking about!)! I feel like I have really accomplished something big!
And guess what! The next door neighbours had a dog and he got out twice! Why I know is because the were next to where we were staying. He was white and like a big teddy bear I think he was a samoid? I think his name was Barcher or something like that.
I also went to Armageddon it was so much fun! if you didn't know already I am a massive doctor who fan so my mum got my brother dad and I pass to have a photo with Karen Gilligan !!!!! (if you don't know who she is she played Amy Pond in doctor who) and I got some Tardis earrings and a cute Pokémon t-shirt that had a fake pocket printed on and in the pocket were all the fire type starters!
My Ears Pierced
On the Tuesday of the first week my mum took me to get my ears pierced (if you didn't know I have been wanting my ears pierced since I was 4) because my dad finally let me! I went to this place called Ninjaflower and they were really nice! I got these that they sell there that have flat backs witch means they don't annoy me when I sleep! I am so happy with them but the only thing that annoys me is that I have it wait 3 months to be able to change them!
Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next post and do feel free to leave a comment about your holiday! I would really appreciate it!